East Hills Village Architectural Review Board (ARB) Massive Suburban Redevelopment And Tree-Destruction Permitting Process (2013-17)
(Opposed frenzied real-estate development which massively transformed wooded, low-density character of the community, and grossly violated spirit and letter of local environmental ordinances covering tree-protection and architectural-harmony)
Regularly testified in depth with countless extensive written critiques of development and tree -destruction proposals at monthly Board hearings;
Exposed routine violation of state Open Meetings Law;
Obtained and presented expert-testimony repeatedly opposing massive suburban re-development activities;
Presented architect’s opinion and residents’ petitions opposing massive new houses;
Presented expert-opinion by certified Arborist challenging routine destruction of hundreds of trees in conjunction with re-development;
Rallied residents to submit testimony opposing permits;
Collected citizen Petition across community demanding a moratorium on development;
Received repeated local coverage of development issues, including a lead front-page article on Petition;
Wrote and filed four (4) legal actions against Village development and tree destruction actions, prosecuting several to the Appellate level and one to the N.Y. Court of Appeals;
Recruited local residents to help finance and/or place names on lawsuits opposing development;
Organized originators of tree and architecture laws to denounce violations;
Obtained TRO’s to halt demolitions and tree removals; pursued cases through emergency petitions to Appellate Division of N.Y. courts.